Rebekah Fowler, Certified Professional Coach
I am an IAPRC Certifed Professional Life Coach, Stanford University CCARE Certifed Compassion Coach, Certified Mindfulness Coach, Certified Tai Chi Instructor, and PhD in English who has nearly 20 years of experience teaching English at the university level. As a university professor, in addition to teaching college courses, I have advised college students individually on academic and career choices and led workshops for faculty on self-compassion and compassion for others.
Tai Chi
Explore one-on-one beginning Tai Chi lessons or group scheduled classes offered through Lipa Yoga Studio. In-person or on Zoom.
[This faculty workshop] changes the way I need to teach about empathy and compassion, inspiring me to think differently about helping others, speaking out, and addressing suffering head on.
[This faculty workshop had a] very positive impact on me. I am feeling lighter. This will help me in my services to students and colleagues.
[As a result of this compassion workshop] I am intrigued by the notion that seeing/acknoweldging suffering is the entry to compassion, especially in a world that values strength.